We want you to be completely satisfied with your purchase. Simply return any unworn item within 30 days for exchange or refund, minus your original shipping and handling charges. (Unfortunately, the original shipping charges are not refundable unless we made an error.) Original INSERTS MUST BE INCLUDED with the return.
You can purchase your own return label or use our online return process to print a return label through our site. The cost of the label will be deducted from your refund.
If you choose toexchange an item, Drew will gladly send your new order with no additional shipping charges. To exchange, click the refund selection on the return page, then choose exchange as your reason. Returned shoes with an exchange request must be accompanied by a return form. Please use the return form that is on the back of the packing slip that came with your shipment.
Please allow 2 business days from our receipt of your return for your exchange order to be placed and processed.