Drew - Problem Solved!

Arthritis is not one disease, but over 100 known diseases that affect the bones, muscles and joints. The term does not designate a specific disease, but means inflammation of a joint resulting from any cause. Pain and swelling can ensue (particularly obvious in the hands and feet), which creates limited movement and mobility. Drew footwear plays an important part in maintaining an active lifestyle and comfort level. Because the arthritic foot is hypersensitive, swollen and painful joints need Drew's extra room and soft leathers. Arthritic feet typically have disintegrated fatty pads that need Drew's extra cushioning and shock absorbing insoles. Often, orthotics are prescribed to position the foot to create less stress and alleviate pain. Drew footwear has a variety of depths to accommodate these special orthotics. If arthritis is present in the fingers and hands, Drew footwear has Velcro closures and a wide opening that can ease the pain of putting on, and taking off, footwear.



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