Drew Shoe | Problem Solved

Plantar Fasciitis (which can lead to heel spurs) is a persistent pain located on the bottom of the heel and the inside of the foot. The plantar fascia is a fibrous, tendon-like structure that extends the entire length of the bottom of the foot. During excessive activity, the plantar fascia can become irritated, inflamed and even tear. Improper shoe selection can cause the injury, including stiff-soled shoes that stretch the tendon, and over-worn shoes that allow the foot to pronate. Drew Shoe offers one of the best quality footwear with superior insoles that support the arch and reduce tension on the tendon which allow the foot to pronate. Drew footwear has an extra room for orthotics which as prescribed can help allievate pain and tension of plantar fasciitis. Drew's extended medial stabilizers in the heel provide needed support and stability for this condition.


Men's Plantar Fasciitis Shoes (Heel Pain)

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